Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

Dag dig dug duer.....

Ini judul bukan menggambarkan tentang cerita gw pas lagi naek komidi putar di arena Dug Deran .... tapi ni judul menyiratkan gw waktu lagi menghadapi tantangan hidup. Beberapa dari kmu mungkin pernah mencoba yang namanya blind date, ato orang jadul nyebutnya kopi darat. Karena jiwa gw emang penuh jiwa adventure gw nyoba merasakan yang namanya blind date ini...^^
beberapa bulan yg lalu gw pernah diajakin knalan ama anak sma, gw pkir ini pling cma anak yang iseng2 ingusan, tpi g tau knapa gw nyoba tuk mendalami lebih dalem lagi, dia merespon dengan sangat baikknya... it's nice!!!
hahah, hari hari berlalu dengan terus ber kontek2an, sampe sampe gw ga bsa tidur kalo dia kga nge.hub gw... tpi gw nya sih biasa biasa aje!!! hahahahaha... gombaaallll!!!
sampe suatu hari dia nyuruh ak dateng ke acaranya coz dia lgi tampil sbg seorang chirz, jujur wktu itu gw kga ngerti yang mana dia, yang mana wajahnya coz emg sebelumnya kita blm pernah face to fac, lamaaaaatak tunggu ampe dia slese tampil, ampe malemmmmm skitar jam 7 an, ampe gw pengen bawa spanduk gede kek kampanye yang bertliskan 'ojek gratis!!', ampun dah gw tggal pulang aje coz pas tak hubungin dianya kgak ngrespon... anjrittt!!!
Oke gw kgak nyerah ampe situ, ni gw nyoba ngajak dia ktemuan di tempat course nya dia krna gw penasaran banget ama orangnya gmana sih, kan sebagai orang yang berdedikasi tinggi gw g pernah behenti nyoba....
pecobaan pertama gagal coz gue slah datang di tempat penangkaran ayam australia.... emang ada????
Oke ktemuan yang kedua, sama tempatnya di course nya dia... hahah gue pas tepat!!!!! dia lgi nungguin gw kyaknya... tpi taunya dia lgi nunggu combrooo!!! hahah
gue ngobol banyak waktu itu... tpi obrolan gag penting smua. Sumpah!!! obrolannya gag mutu gw mati kaku... Arrrrggghhhh!!! Sampe gw pengen nglemparin bom asap trs ngilang darinya Akhirnya gw memutuskan tuk pulang aje krna hari udah petang...untung gw kgak kelamaan klo kelamaan gw bisa jadi ayam tanpa tulang.... *high pressure!! bener2 ancur dah!!!!

Lalu hari hari berikutya gw ktemuan lgi nmun gak kyak yg pertama....
tpi akhir2 ini gw ud males ngurusin yang bgituan, n gak kontek2an lgi dehh,,, kan ada DIA ... hehehe
Kapok deh gw nge-blind date lagii... itu yang pertama dan terakhir!!! karna gw sadar kalo cinta itu datang dari kebiasaan kita mengagumi seseorang tersebut.... hahah^.^

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

kalo gw lagi sakit....

gw mau cerita dikit banyak gmana sih seorang anak badung kalo lgi sakit. Emang sih kalo lagi skit kita gak bisa ngapa2in slaen tepar, minum obat, maem dan pastinya mimik susu.... kmu smua pasti mengenal penyakit diare kan??? gak pernah diare brarti gak doyan nasi.... hahahah^^

Suatu hari yang kelam gw akhirnya terkapar dirumah gak bisa ngapain slaen ntu smua kegiatan yang udah gw sebutin, awlnya gw kga ngerti penyakit macam appaan nih... gw kira penyakit ayan gw kumat lagi!!!... ArrrgggHHHhh...
Tpi ternyata tidak bro, sbg seorang calon dokter gw nebak kalo ni gw lgi sakit flu burung eh bukan bukan .... gue sakit DIAREEEE!!! lalu anjrit!! gue divonis diare ama dokter depan gang sakit diare... slaen sedih gw jga senengcoz gue udah bisa menerka-nerka penyakit yang menjangkit tubuh gw yang gede ini hahahah...^^ HEbat kan????!!!!
Pagi menjelang...
gw masih mondar mandir toilet aje bwt ngisi kpispot alias boker dengan senangnya karna gw bsa maen aer d kamar mandi... hehe, , itu kulakuin hampir 7 kali... n gw berjanji ma diri gw sendiri kalo lebih dari 7 kali gw harus dibawa ke ICU tuk ngeliatin mbak2nya perawat yang cakep cakep .. . . wkwkwkwk^^
Lalu malam telah tiba, kupon duduk di pispot telah ludes dimakan adek gw yg hobi maem benda tajam... keke tayangan the master yang kontestannya berlagak bisu, tapi sebenernya malu klo suaranya kek bajaj... treng treng treng!!! tarik bang!! Xp
Oke, kembali ke cerita,,,,
kmu tau kan klo diare ntu rasanya ngentut ama mw boker beda beda tipis.... nah itu momen paling edun pas gw lgi d rumahh. Jam 7an waktu maem malam keknya gw ngrasa kga enak di pantat gw. Saat itu gw mikir bolak balik untuk brani gambling apa kgak y, okeyh! karna gw penjantan tangguh gue bertaruh kalo itu hanyalah sebuah angin yang mw kluar dari lumbung padi.... tapi CrrrEEetTTTTT derrrrr!!!!! ANjRittttttt!!! yang kluar cairan kuning beserta eek-eeknya.... aje gile gue lari k kamar mandiii... trus ya gitu deh... gw nyoba tuk nyembunyiin dari kluarga....
hehe sekian brother n sista.... janngan ditiru adegan berbahaya!!
warning!explicit content!

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

I'll talk about something,,,

oi oi... gue posting lagi ... hahah
emmm.. eh ya gue pernah bikin artikel or something like that....
keren lho bro, mungkin anda2 skalian gag pernah menyangka gue bisa ngebuat artikel berbahasa inggris yang berjudul..... OIL SCARCITY originaly written by:
Arzena "atenk" Norega

Saksikanlah part 1...

In 2008, The Government issued some policies that aim to decrease our demand of oil energy resources. It affects to the increasing of fuel price in the market, including premium, diesel fuel and kerosene. It’s all because of oil scarcity in the world which can make a lot of disadvantages toward our country economic system. The scarcity is caused by the decreasing of oil amount in the world. Most people prefer using kerosene to LPG because they think that using kerosene is cheaper and safer than using LPG. Only several people who live in Indonesia use LPG to cook. It means that the amount of oil becomes smaller and smaller every day. If we always let this condition, our oil amount in the world will be run out. Do you want our children or grandsons not to know what oil is? I believe all of you will answer “no”. So, we have to do something to prevent the scarcity of oil in order to decrease the fuel price in Indonesia. Actually, there are several ways which can prevent the oil scarcity, such as minimize oil for daily use, do research and development about new and renewable energy, make use of the bio-fuel, and search new oil reserve by explorations.

The first way, minimize oil for daily use especially in Indonesia. In the macro sector we can do it in many ways, such as in power plant sector. As we know that we need power plants to produce the electrical energy, but in Indonesia still use fuel to operate these power plants. It needs a lot of fuel and it will decrease oil amount in the world. In this case we can use coal, geothermal energy and solar cell to produce the electrical energy. If the power plants in Indonesia use them, it can decrease the oil scarcity and it automatically makes Indonesian outcome becomes smaller. As good people in Indonesia, we can help our government to decrease the oil scarcity by using the mass transportation optimally. We don’t have to be embarrassed when we use the mass transportation, because our government has given us good transportation facilities like Bus Way in Jakarta, Trans Jogja in Jogja and Damri with Air Conditioner inside. So we have to try them and make them as our daily transportation. Afterwards, we can also minimize the oil for daily usage by using bio-mass or LPG. Using LPG will be cheaper and safer than using kerosene if we use it in the right way. Not only LPG but also bio-mass can help us to minimize the oil usage. Maybe many people do not know what the bio-mass is. Bio mass is something like gas that is produced by organic wastes. This gas can be burnt and used for cooking. We can make bio-mass by making a place like a big tube and put it in the place that the organic wastes can be entered easily. And then on the top of the tube there is a pipe. This pipe will help the gas goes upward and then be ready to use.

The second, do the research and development about new and renewable energy. The conventional energy is limited or unrenewable and will be depleted if we spend the oil resources more. New discovery for new oil reserve is high-risk, high-cost and high-technology. Until this times our domestic oil, kerosene, consumption is subsidized by the government. The market price of kerosene is 9000 rupiahs, but Indonesian people just buy it with the price of 2500 rupiahs. So, the Government must pay about 60% of the kerosene price per liter towards Indonesian people in order to decrease the price level of oil in Indonesia. It means that the subsidy in Indonesia is too high. If we let this condition our country will be poor because the subsidy is very high and the oil resources will be rare in the next fifty years. Therefore, we must find new energy or renewable energy. Renewable energy is the energy that can be produced easily and the energy source will not be depleted. The example of renewable energy is water, solar cell, wind, and sea wave energy. We can use water as energy because water can work like the principle of generator machines and produce the electricity power. Solar cell also can produce electricity power because the cell will change the light energy into electricity power by some reactions. Then, wind and sea wave energy can be changed into the electricity power because wind and sea wave can rotate the turbine so they produce electricity power in the end of processes.... to be continued ^^

sekian untuk hari ini...

hehehe.... bubye

postingan pertama gue.... hahaha

Akhirnya setelah ditunggu-tunggu oleh para penggemar kredit panci, teflon, mangkok, dll, blog gue terbit juga...
I'll thanks to
  • Allah SWT
  • Mama Papa yang merestuiku membuat blog 60-blog ini
  • Pak Hanif, guru TIK gw...
  • All beloved my friends... hahahah
  • Anda yang sudah menyia-nyiakan waktu membaca blog 60-blog ini... hahaha^^

thank's all